4-1. INTRODUCTION. The helicopter centralized cargo-handling arrangement (HICHS) is advised for use in the CH-47 helicopter as a agency of loading and auction assorted configurations of cargo. This affiliate describes the HICHS.
4-2. DESCRIPTION. The anatomic and concrete descriptions of the HICHS are as follows:
a. Anatomic Description. The HICHS provides low-friction, load/unload agent ramps. It additionally includes conveyors for affective burden aural the aircraft.
b. Concrete Description. The HICHS consists of three aloft sections. They are the cabin/cargo area, access section, and the access addendum area (Figure 4-1).
(1) Cabin/Cargo Area. The berth area of the HICHS consists of three outboard rail/roller assemblies on anniversary ancillary of the cabin. These outboard assemblies are identical but symmetrically opposite. These assemblies use twenty-six 5K tie-down applicative assemblies, eight 10K applicative assemblies, and two tie-down applicative assemblies. Four inboard guide/roller assemblies are army in the centermost of the berth floor. They are anchored with 10 centerline arena bung assemblies to the 5K rings in the floor.
(2) Access Section. The access area of the arrangement includes a right-hand access adviser accumulation and a right-hand access inboard guide/roller assembly. There are additionally symmetrically adverse (left-hand) assemblies. A abstracted access abutment is provided for use during loading and unloading.
(3) Access Addendum Section. This area uses two identical access addendum roller assemblies and abstracted access addendum abutment assemblies.
4-3. INSPECTIONS. Audit the arrangement apparatus as follows:
a. Intervals. Audit the HICHS afore anniversary mission or back any of the afterward contest has or will occur:
(1) A new cargo-handling arrangement has aloof been installed.
(2) A burden arrangement has been removed from accumulator and installed.
(3) A arrangement has been abandoned in an out-of-service aircraft.
(4) Maintenance has afresh been performed and the arrangement has not been inspected.
(5) A arrangement appears to action improperly.
b. Analysis Criteria. Perform a accustomed analysis for any one of the affidavit in branch 4-3a above. Audit consistently to advance the HICHS in acceptable alive condition. Accomplish assertive that all apparatus are accounted for in either the installed or stowed locations as applicable. Check outboard rail/roller assemblies, inboard guide/roller assemblies, access adviser rail/roller assemblies, and access addendum roller accumulation for cracks or breaks. No cracks or break are allowed.
4-4. CARGO HANDLING. The HICHS can be acclimated for a array of cargo.
a. Burden Range. The HICHS can handle burden that includes a admixture of pallets, personnel, or cartage that may be combined. Restrain all burden to ensure safe operation of the aircraft and the assurance of personnel. Restrain the endless according to the procedures and guidelines in TMs 55-450-15 and 55-450-18.
b. Loads. Total bulk charge consistently be aural the accustomed weight and CG banned as defined in the operational abstruse orders.
4-5. LOADING. The afterward are loading sequences for the HICHS.
a. 463L Pallets. Up to three pallets can be winched or manually loaded on the arrangement (maximum 7,500 pounds each).
b. Barn Pallets. Use the afterward loading arrangement for barn pallets:
(1) Up to 8 to 12 barn pallets can be loaded into the aircraft. However, weight and CG requirements charge be aural limits. The 40-inch ancillary should be positioned beyond the administration arrangement so that the 48-inch ancillary is on the access adviser rail. Pallets may be winched or manually loaded.
(2) Bassinet aggregate of 463L and barn pallets, as able-bodied as added combinations, with vehicular endless can be loaded into the aircraft.
c. Wheeled Vehicles. Winch or manually bulk the cartage into the aircraft. For specific procedures, accredit to TM 55-450-18.
d. Personnel. The HICHS is accordant for cadre alone or both burden and personnel. If both are loaded, the burden charge be advanced of the cadre for safety.
e. Miscellaneous Cargo. Abode on a bassinet or drift as desired. If a 6/E bassinet is used, defended the bassinet lock assemblies or retractable border assemblies. Straps or chains may be acclimated as required.
f. Alloyed Cargo. Any of the aloft burden may be alloyed as desired. The alone limitation is space.
4-6. 463L CARGO SYSTEM. In 1957, the USAF adopted a connected arrangement to facilitate the accelerated movement of accustomed burden aboard airlift aircraft. This 463L arrangement encompasses all phases of burden loading including MHE, burden loading platforms, abstemiousness equipment, and in-aircraft systems. The 463L arrangement is the Air Force accustomed for movement of concentrated cargo. The arrangement is acutely able and can abate arena times by as abundant as 75 percent.
a. Construction. The 463L adept bassinet (Figure 4-2) is fabricated of bane aggressive aluminum with bendable copse bulk and is affected on all abandon by aluminum rails. The balustrade acquire 22 animate tie-down rings absorbed in such a address that there are six rings on anniversary continued ancillary and bristles rings on anniversary abbreviate side. The balustrade additionally acquire indents (notches) advised to acquire the detinet locks amid on abundant types of MHE and are begin on lath all airlift-capable aircraft. The all-embracing ambit of the 463L bassinet are 108 inches advanced by 88 inches continued and 2 1/4 inches thick. However, the accessible ambit of the aerial apparent are 104 inches advanced by 84 inches long. This allows for 2 inches about the ambit of the bassinet to attach straps, nets, or added abstemiousness devices. An abandoned 463L bassinet weighs 290 pounds (355 pounds with nets) and has a best bulk accommodation of 10,000 pounds. The best pounds per aboveboard inch (psi) for the 463L bassinet is 250 pounds. Concentrated loading should not beat 330 pounds on any one aboveboard foot. If a bulk exceeds this amount, again shoring charge be used. Anniversary of the 22 tie-down rings has a 7,500-pound abstemiousness capacity.
b. Bassinet Nets. There are three nets to a set: two ancillary nets and one top net (Figure 4-3). The ancillary nets are blooming in blush and the top net is yellow. The ancillary nets attach to the rings of the 463L bassinet and the top net attaches by hooks to the ancillary nets. These nets acquire a aggregation of acclimation credibility and may be anchored to accommodate snugly to best any load. A complete set of 463L nets will accommodate able abstemiousness for 10,000 pounds of burden back appropriately absorbed to a 463L pallet. A complete set of 463L nets (three) weighs 65 pounds.
4-7. OPERATIONAL HANDLING AND STORAGE OF 463L PALLETS. The 463L pallets and nets are acutely big-ticket to acquirement and refurbish. With reasonable affliction and protection, they should aftermost about indefinitely. The procedures to affliction for these pallets and nets are simple. Consistently chase these guidelines:
a. Consistently put able dunnage beneath 463L pallets by installing a minimum of three 4-inch by 4-inch pieces at atomic as continued as the pallet. This will aid in the movement of the pallets and will assure the lower apparent from damage. (Dunnage charge accompany the pallets during shipment.)
b. Pallets may be stored in endless of 40 high. Bifold endless (two 20-pallet sets ample vertically) are accustomed for unit/APOE/APOD accumulator areas, provided they are appropriately supported. Never assemblage them upside bottomward for this could accident the rings or the aluminum skinned surface. Alone a distinct stack, appropriately aseptic by 463L nets, may be transported by air. Three pieces of dunnage charge be placed amid an added abject bassinet and the aboriginal bassinet of the assemblage provided approval with the aircraft abuse system.
c. Consistently assure the aerial apparent of the bassinet from aciculate cargo. If the burden you ambition to bulk has any aciculate edges or protrusions, install able shoring or cushioning abstracts amid the burden and the bassinet to anticipate damage.
d. Exercise affliction back alteration 463L pallets with the forklift tines (forks). The cogwheel tips can calmly accident the bassinet apparent apprehension it unusable. The able and adopted adjustment of administration loaded 463L pallets is with a forklift that has tines barometer at atomic 72 inches long. Tines 8 inches advanced are preferred. Use them whenever possible. Application forklifts with beneath tines, acrimonious up the bassinet abeyant from the corners with a crane, or added agnate methods are not accustomed for accustomed bassinet movement. Any deviations shall be accustomed by WR-ALC/MMVR.
Forklift operators charge ensure burden bulk is appropriately anchored to the bassinet (using nets, straps, or chains) afore affective the pallet.
e. Whenever winching a 463L pallet, consistently use two adhering points.
f. Never advance or accelerate 463L pallets beyond any solid surface; to do so will account accident to the skin.
g. Assure nets from adverse acute conditions. The applique actual will bane and deteriorate. The metal hooks will additionally blight if not appropriately cared for. Hang and dry all nets afterwards use. Never accumulation wet nets calm for storage.
h. Abode a artificial barrier amid dunnage and the basal bassinet to anticipate damp from biting through dunnage to basal apparent of pallets.
i. Because 463L pallets counterbalance in balance of 270 pounds, movement by duke is unauthorized.
a. Audit pallets and nets to assure serviceability. Do not use pallets if the aluminum bark is separating. The skin-to-rail band is an important allocation of the pallet’s strength. Use pallets with accessory dents, gouges, and scratches that do not breach the skin. For added all-encompassing accident (such as angled balustrade or damaged/missing tie-down rings), the bassinet will not be accustomed for accession and charge be beatific to annex for repairs. Accumulate pallets as apple-pie as accessible to assure the burden and anticipate the advance of insects, clay built-in infestations, and so forth.
b. The afterward procedures administer for autumn pallets that acquire been appointed as war address actual (WRM):
(1) Audit WRM pallets annually. Stagger the inspections, that is, one-half every 6-month period.
(2) Audit a minimum of 10 percent of anniversary 40-pallet accumulation and accommodate one bassinet from anniversary alternation of 10 pallets.
(3) The accession bassinet administrator will advance an analysis almanac and will accouter one archetype to the MACOM bassinet manager.
4-9. PALLET BUILDUP. Palletize burden from the heaviest to the lightest. Distribute ample and abundant altar analogously from the centermost of the bassinet outwards to anticipate the bassinet from acceptable abundant on one end (Figure 4-4). This additionally helps to advance the CB at or abreast the centermost (Figure 4-5). Abode lighter and/or abate items on top or forth the ancillary of the added cargo. Containers apparent THIS SIDE UP charge be placed cocked and burden with adapted labels adverse apparent whenever possible. Construct the bulk in a aboveboard or pyramid appearance whenever accessible (Figure 4-6). This makes the bulk stable, accessible to handle, and easier to defended on the pallet. As you body the bassinet load, use a bassinet arrangement or barometer stick so as not to beat aircraft acme limitations.
NOTE: Anniversary aircraft has restrictions as to the dimensional admeasurement and appearance accurate to that specific aircraft. Check the accurate requirements of the aircraft for which the bulk is prepared.
a. In the movement of cargo, you generally appointment odd shapes and sizes of burden that crave movement by air. As ahead described, the 463L bassinet is 108 inches advanced by 88 inches continued with a best burden counterbalance accommodation of 10,000 pounds. Back there is a claim to address a allotment or pieces of burden that beat these dimensions, accompany two or added pallets calm (Figure 4-7). This is referred to as the marrying of pallets (also referred to as bifold or two bassinet trains).
b. Afore marrying pallets, audit them to ensure that they are apple-pie and in acceptable repair. Ensure that the balustrade are not angled and the tie-down rings are deeply mounted. Afterwards blockage the pallets, abode them on a burden dock, rollerized flatbed trailer, or k-loader. Align the indents forth the 108-inch ambit of anniversary pallet. Install prefabricated spacers amid the pallets. The spacers are acclimated to accumulate the pallets accumbent and appropriately spaced so that they will lock into the aircraft’s abuse systems.
4-11. CARGO PLACEMENT ON MARRIED PALLETS. Bulk long, abundant burden on the bassinet first. Distribute abundant burden analogously on the bassinet to anticipate the bassinet from acceptable abundant ended. Again abode ablaze burden on top of and/or about the added cargo. Ensure labels face apparent whenever possible. As you defended the burden on the pallet, accomplish abiding that you do not beat the ambit and weight limitations for the appointed aircraft. Accommodate adapted affidavit on the bulk apparent and ensure that you announce that the pallets are affiliated (Figure 4-8).
4-12. TIE-DOWN TECHNIQUES. There are abounding techniques for absorbed bottomward and lashing cargo. Some key credibility to bethink are–
a. Use a barrier and alternation aboideau (Figure 4-9) for loose, abundant items such as barge and pipes.
b. Use chains and tie-down accessories for ample items such as canned engines or palletized wheeled items.
c. Do no attach added than 50 percent of the abstemiousness to the axles of wheeled vehicles.
d. Use 463L net for assorted apart items that fit aural the accessible ambit of a distinct 463L pallet.
e. Use chains for abundant items such as ample boxes and cartage (Figure 4-9).
f. Finally, use 5,000-pound tie-down straps, as required, to accommodate alone account abstemiousness (Figure 4-10) or to accommodate added abstemiousness (Figure 4-11) to the 463L nets.
4-13. CARGO NET INSTALLATION. Afore application the nets, lay out all the nets and audit them for serviceability. Do not use any nets that are broken or rotted, or acquire bad/missing hooks. Alone one bad strap/hook in all of those on the net is abundant to accomplish the absolute net unserviceable.
a. Ancillary Nets
(1) Accomplish abiding that you acquire articular the continued ancillary (6 hooks) and the abbreviate ancillary (5 hooks) of the net, and that the net is right-side up. The net charge be right-side up so the basal hooks will be pointing entering afterwards the nets acquire been absorbed to the pallet. If the net is right-side up, the hooks will be adverse bottomward as the net is laying on the ground. In addition, abounding of the nets are apparent OUTSIDE.
(2) Abode the two ancillary nets about the burden on the pallet, and angle the hooks into the bassinet rings. Recommend starting at one bend and alive your way about the pallet. Accomplish abiding the straps/hooks of the net cantankerous at the corners of the pallet. Cull the net as aerial as it will go and angle the two ancillary nets together. Anniversary ancillary net has adjustable straps amid the continued and abbreviate ancillary to accomplish all-important adjustments depending on adjustment of the cargo. If you acquire accurately absorbed the ancillary nets to the bassinet rings, you will acquire O-rings and astriction adjustable hooks to accompany together, chain the two ancillary nets. Do not bind these straps until the ancillary nets are absorbed to the top net.
b. Top Net. Abode the top net over the burden authoritative abiding that it is centered. The continued ancillary of the top net goes with the continued ancillary of the ancillary net. Angle the top net into the ancillary nets by application the O-rings. Consistently use the aforementioned row of rings on the ancillary nets to ensure that the top net pulls evenly. Back the top net is absorbed in, cull analogously on all straps to bind the top net. Two bodies should do this to ensure that the net stays even. Back all the straps are tightened, including the ancillary net straps, constrict the apart ends of the straps into the applique to anticipate snagging on article in the aircraft (Figure 4-12). The best accustomed acumen burden is banned or delayed from loading on an aircraft is poor bassinet accretion or netting. If the achievability of brutal acclimate exists at either abandonment or accession airfield, awning the palletized burden with artificial bassinet covering. Now the bassinet is accessible for weighing.
4-14. DETERMINATION OF PALLET WEIGHT. Anniversary 463L bassinet congenital charge be advised and the scaled weight charge be recorded on all copies of the manifest. Additionally, assure that the scaled weight is acutely apparent on anniversary ancillary (88 inch) of the 463L pallet. Bassinet weight arrangement may be stapled to the net. At belief time, additionally admeasurement for burden height. Pass this advice forth with the bassinet weight for recording on the burden manifests.
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